In case you have missed it, Google announced some pretty impressive achievements in the field of quantum computing on Monday. Tucked away in the announcement by the lead of Google
In case you have missed it, Google announced some pretty impressive achievements in the field of quantum computing on Monday. Tucked away in the announcement by the lead of Google
A 1990s interview with an alleged Area 51 worker, now viral, discusses a cryptic 2025 prediction. The worker recalls asking a Groom Lake colleague about secret activities, receiving the response:
After spending five decades trying to hunt down the Loch Ness Monster, this expert reckons he has finally got to the bottom of what it really is. Adrian Shine –
From the Maryland Standard, Nov 1st, 1883 A Queer Old Bugabook What a little miss saw as she skipped along to the spring A remarkable incident happened to a little