From the Maryland Standard, Nov 1st, 1883 A Queer Old Bugabook What a little miss saw as she skipped along to the spring A remarkable incident happened to a little
From the Maryland Standard, Nov 1st, 1883 A Queer Old Bugabook What a little miss saw as she skipped along to the spring A remarkable incident happened to a little
After spending five decades trying to hunt down the Loch Ness Monster, this expert reckons he has finally got to the bottom of what it really is. Adrian Shine –
A 1990s interview with an alleged Area 51 worker, now viral, discusses a cryptic 2025 prediction. The worker recalls asking a Groom Lake colleague about secret activities, receiving the response:
A “mystery disease” recently struck the south-western corner of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), killing between 67 and 143 people over two weeks. The disease was reported to cause