The sapling is nicknamed Sheba. After 14 years of cultivation, Sheba has matured into a nearly 10-foot-tall tree that scientists feel is mature enough to study. DNA and chemical studies
The sapling is nicknamed Sheba. After 14 years of cultivation, Sheba has matured into a nearly 10-foot-tall tree that scientists feel is mature enough to study. DNA and chemical studies
Aliens passing as humans meet an advanced reptilian race living in a subterranean kingdom. Sounds like the script of a Mork and Mindy vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crossover episode, but it’s actually
A man reckons he might have stumbled across Bigfoot footprints while taking a walk along a “remote trail”. Aaron Thiel shared images of the tracks to the Bigfoot Believers group on Facebook and explained
In the mid-1980s, Air Force technician Mark Ely’s job was to inspect secretly obtained Soviet fighter jets. The work, carried out in hidden hangers known as hush houses, was part