A recent study published in the journal Atiqot described a tomb found at the Motza archaeological site in the hills of Jerusalem, dating back to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B period. The excavations
A recent study published in the journal Atiqot described a tomb found at the Motza archaeological site in the hills of Jerusalem, dating back to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B period. The excavations
The Gwambe police base in Bulilima, Matabeleland South has been deserted by officers who claimed they were being terrorised by goblins at night. Ward 2 Councillor, Mabed Ngulani, confirmed the
A top-secret US submarine drone weapon dubbed the ‘Manta Ray’ has been spotted by hawk-eyed online users on Google Earth and remains visible to the public. Satellite images showing the vessel docked
The pants are connected to Scotland’s most famous UFO incident which was subject to a police probe. Paranormal investigator Malcolm Robinson said he offered to donate the “iconic” trews worn by